Part 1: Evangelistic Campaign in Riobamba, Ecuador

At the end of June, our family went to Riobamba at the invitation of Felix and our Buena Vista Church. (Picture 1 is "The Twelve Disciples" volcano. You see this on the way to Riobamba. Picture 2 is the church.)
One of the ladies in the church loaned us her apartment for the weekend, which was a real blessing. We arrived Friday afternoon and that evening the church had a meeting for the parents of their 440 students. The gym was packed, and most were not Christians. In the past, these meetings were informational meetings or parenting workshops, but this evening was an evangelism event. After 30 minutes of worship, Stan was introduced and he spent about 20 minutes doing magic tricks and telling few jokes. Then he transitioned to the gospel, using the Ten Commandments to bring conviction. At that point he turned the meeting over to Felix. Felix read from the scripture and brought a powerful evangelism message. The church received decision cards from 41 parents who accepted Christ, but we didn’t get cards from all of them. We concluded with a spirited time of praise.
After this event, Felix got an invitation to preach at a wake for a 13-year-old boy who had died in a car accident. Felix asked the Catholic family members, “How many of you think we should pray for the soul of this young man?” They all raised their hands. He said, “I have good news for you. Your son had a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Thus, we do not need to pray with him because the Bible tells us that he is with the Lord. In fact, I think he is praying at this very moment. Let me explain.” He went on to explain what the Bible says about their spiritual condition, and he shared the good news that they can have this same type of relationship with the living Jesus Christ. 22 people accepted Christ.
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