Three Fires in Three Days
On Sunday, 9/13, at around 1:00 p.m., we received an urgent telephone call alerting us to the fact that a fire was raging in the forest that backs up to the Work & Witness property (which is where we live). Stan, Mary and Landon began watering as soon as we heard the news, while Sherri began loading her car with a few valuables such as our passports, computers, baby pictures, etc. We also gathered the gas tanks around the property and relocated them to a safer place.
The fire was coming down the hill that leads to our property, and many people were helping put the fire out behind the Nazarene church that sits next to our property. (See photo 1). Soon after, we were joined by the Howard family and Dwight Rich. Sherri also began taking off all the curtains in our house and began taping the insides of our windows to prevent smoke from getting through the windows. Although the Fischer family was away with a team, we were most concerned about their home because the fire seemed headed in that direction. Also, they have two huge trees that are very close to their home. We just continually doused the area with water. After about three hours, the firemen arrived and stopped the fire. We knew, however, that because it was so very dry, another fire could start at any time.
Sure enough, the next evening, the winds picked up and the fire began where it had ended on Sunday. Stan estimates that at one point the fire was 40 feet wide and 100 feet tall as it marched towards us. Again, we started dousing our property, focusing on the Hall’s backyard since this was where the fire was headed. (See photo 2.) This time, however, everything was over within an hour because the firemen got to the fire very quickly and the winds died down suddenly. We were thankful for God’s protection yet again, but knew that the conditions were perfect for yet another fire.
The third fire came on Tuesday around 1:30 p.m. Sherri and Landon were the only ones at home, and they heard someone whistling very loudly outside of their home. When they went to check, the guard from the neighborhood across the ravine was signaling yet another fire. Sherri couldn’t believe her eyes because this one was already very intense and it was closer to their home than the other two had been. She and Landon flew into action even though it was only the two of them. She called for backup, though, and within 20 minutes a team of men was there to help. Photos 3 and 4 show how close it came to the back of the mission property. (These are taken afterwards. The roofs in the foreground are to our house and garage.) Thankfully, God’s protection continued to cover us, and the firemen were able to put out the fire before it actually reached our property (though it was really, really close). Then that evening God sent rain and we were thankful to the point of tears. (There is a rumor that Sherri did a “thank you God for the rain” happy dance, but she’s not confirming it.) It has rained everyday in the following days, and we are thankful for God’s tender mercies to our family during this time.
We are so very proud of how hard our children fought the fires with us. They both immediately manned the hoses and wouldn’t give up, even after several hours on the first day. Landon also served as our sentry as he’d climb up on the roof and give us updates on the path of the fire. (Photo 5.) We are also thankful for our Nazarene family that just dropped what they were doing and rushed to help us. This included both Latinos and North Americans. There were no barriers—everyone did what they could to save the property.
Sherri, I would like to see the rain dance. We thank your family and everyone else for taking care of our home and the Work and Witness property. It is all God's and he will take care of us. He might scare us and shake us up a little but he still shows He is in control.
amen, the work and witness centre is very dear to our hearts as you all are as well. We PRAISE and THANK God for His protection and mercy
and we want to see that rain dance!!!
Will be praying! GOd bless as you sere our Savior. WE live on the Michigan District campgrounds at Indian Lake.
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