Sunday, September 30, 2007

Shell #3: The Baptism

After the service the entire church went several blocks to the river and five ministers baptized 18 new converts. After the last prayer, there was a photo with the five ministers and the 18 new believers. Then people starting splashing each other and I tackled Felix in the water dunking him below the surface. Someone asked me later if I was a little afraid to do this. Three years ago, I wouldn’t have dared. But today it was a pure celebration of the glory and power of God and His work in this local church.

We had to leave on Sunday afternoon and were not able to Sunday night’s service where several evangelic churches came together for celebration. However, during this service, one of the women that had been baptized earlier in the day brought her son forward for healing. Felix prayed and the little boy (with the help of the pastor’s wife) repeated the prayer. Within minutes, his twisted legs began to straighten right before the eyes of everyone. Praise the Lord!


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