Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Living Abroad and Politics

Recently Ecuador had a political situation that was splashed all over the news, Facebook, etc.  We requested prayer for safety of our family, and we received a lot of emails and calls asking about the situation.  Some people wanted more information than we were willing to give.

Why?  North Americans living abroad, and especially missionaries, are visitors and we must respect the political situation of our host country no matter our personal opinion.  In fact, we are to be careful NOT to express our personal opinion or to be involved in anything political.  We also have to carefully choose our words especially avoiding certain trigger words.

Today the political climate in the US encourages its citizens to voice your opinion openly, firmly and sometimes loudly!  So some people don't understand our "neutrality."  However, if we want to live peacefully as a resident visitor in another land, we must keep our personal biases to ourselves.

Now you know the rest of the story!


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