Monday, March 27, 2006

Grandma Dixon Visits!

Sherri's mother, Dottie Dixon, visited us for a week! Besides lots of conversation time (and cuddle-time with Landon), she visited Mitad del Mundo (the equator monument) and a Marsipan (dough ornament) factory & store. She also attended Mary's Medieval Festival for her 7th grade class and she was Landon's show-and-tell! We also fit in a relaxing dinner at Tony Roma's restaurant.

In this picture, Sherri is in the Northern Hemisphere, Mary is in the Southern and Grandma is in both!

Monday, March 06, 2006

Carnival 2006

Carnival 2006
Originally uploaded by Stan & Sherri Hall.

In Ecuador, you "play Carnival" by throwing water (and sometimes flour and eggs) on passers-by. Or you stage a water fight with your family and friends as we did. Stan set up 3 tubs of water and each contestant had 2 large glasses for soaking the other two people.

Let the games begin!

Oops, I'm a sitting duck!

Landon had the idea of keeping the water to himself, but as you can see, his plan backfired!

I'm soaked!

Mary doesn't know whether to cry or laugh!

Let's Get Dad!

Let's Get Dad!
Originally uploaded by Stan & Sherri Hall.
Duck your head, Dad, because we're working together to get you soaked!

The war is over . . . and we're still friends!

The kids agree that this was the best way to celebrate Carnival! They want Mom to join in next year, but Mom's a chicken!