Saturday, July 15, 2006

Tungurahua Volcano Eruption

Tungurahua Eruption
Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
You may have heard in the news that a volcano erupted in Ecuador last night. The Tungurahua volcano spewed lava, sulfa rocks and ash across many towns in the southern part of Ecuador. As of today no deaths have been reported, although many people are suffering with respiratory-related illnesses from breathing in the ash. Also, crops and livestock have been destroyed.

This volcano has been active for many months, and it will continue to erupt. We thank God that for his protection in people's lives so far, and we pray for his continuing protection during future eruptions. The Ecuadorian people covet your prayers as well.

(The North Andean Field office, seminary and mission staff are in Quito and are safe from the volcano.)

Thursday, July 13, 2006


Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
"I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help" (Psalm 121:1, KJV). God's presence is always near because there are mountains in every direction! Those skeptics who argue against a Creator certainly haven't visited Ecuador!

General Store

General Store
Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
Sherri and Mary enjoyed a shopping trip to Otovala and Ibarra when they tagged along with a team. When we stopped for a quick break, Sherri discovered a general store that looks like it dates back to the 1800s (complete with chicken guarding the door). Three small children were minding the store and were also happy to get their pictures taken (because gringos pay 5 or 10 cents to take their picture).

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Street Evangelism

Street Evangelism
Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
Stan enjoyed this particular interview because two children literally sat at his feet and listened to every word as he shared the gospel with this woman.

Landon filming an interview

Landon filming an interview
Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
Landon likes to go with his dad and film the interviews. In this picture, he's holding up his fingers to say "3, 2, 1...action!" before Stan starts talking with the woman.
Can you see a director in the making here? Isn't it neat how God allows us to use our interests for his kingdom?