Tuesday, May 30, 2006

indigenous dancers

Originally uploaded by Stan & Sherri Hall.
We always enjoy the presentations by indigenous dancers. The costumes are very colorful. Check out Mary's and Landon's postings too. They were both chosen to dance with the group. (Probably because they are gringos, but it was fun!)

Sunday, May 14, 2006

We're Ready to Start!

As a part of the evangelism classes Stan has been teaching, he's taken several teams from different churches out on the streets to put what they've learned into practice. Landon goes along as the photographer. Stan also had a sign made which translates as "Earn $1.00 for an interview." In this country where many people only earn $1.25 an hour, the sign attracts quite a crowd.
Landon enjoys being the photographer and practicing a bit of Spanish.

Stan Witnessing in the Streets

Here Stan is talking with a woman. In this town, the crowd gets so large that now Stan uses a platform and sound system for him and the interviewee which allows more people to see and hear what's going on. For the next several weeks Stan will continue to go out on Thursday nights with the Comite del Pueblo church. Also, other churches are showing interest in this evangelism training. Please pray for this ministry and that a fire will be ignited in the Ecuadorian Nazarenes to share their faith.

Witnessing to a Policeman

One night, after an hour or so of witnessing, the crowd was so large that people were standing 3 and 4 deep in a busy street. When Stan saw a policeman approaching, he was sure that their time was going to be cut short. Instead, two women from the church started talking to the policeman. As it turned out, we found out later that he was challenging them about the existence of hell and they were ready with scriptures in Revelation. The blue book in the picture is a Bible and the policeman is holding one of the gospel tracts in Spanish. (Thanks to those of you who are helping to supply these tracts.)