Friday, October 27, 2006

Blessing of the Week . . .

We watched the St. Louis Cardinals (our hometown team) win the World Series while sitting in our living room in Quito, Ecuador! We are so thankful for technology which helps us stay connected to home. Way to Go, Cards!

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Stan and Friend

Stan and friend
Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
Thank you so much for your prayers for Stan as he traveled to Shell to provide evangelism training in the local church. He'll be updating our blog soon with pictures and stories of his trip, but to whet your appetite, here he is posing with his new friend!

Transparent Butterfly

transparent butterfly
Originally uploaded by
S Hall.
One of the things you can find in the jungle or rainforest areas of Ecuador are transparent butterflies. The blue part of this picture is really the the jeans showing through the butterfly wings. Something we've never seen in the states!