Prayer Requests
1. For some time now Mary has had pains when eating. She's also had bouts of fainting and/or dizziness. Because the symptoms have increased in frequency and intensity, yesterday we took her to an internist. Carolyn Rich (our missionary nurse) went with us to help us explain. (Medical interviews in Spanish can be very difficult sometimes.) The doctor took a long time with Mary asking questions. He then took 3 vials of blood to run all kinds of tests along with urine and other tests. Monday evening we return to get results. Please pray that the doctor will be able to find the cause and that we can get Mary well.
2. Monday morning I will begin to homeschool Landon because we want him to be able to return to the US in May with his dad instead of having to wait until June when Mary and I come back. I believe this could be a very beneficial time for him as we work will also work on study habits, self-discipline issues, etc. Please pray for this new adventure and that we both will have patience with one another.
3. I also want to thank you for your prayers regarding NILI, the new language institute. Things could not be going better, and the university students are a great bunch of kids--very enthusiastic and positive. The classes are running well and God keeps putting pieces of the puzzle together. However, Stan is working very long hours which is hard on all of us. Pray for him as he continues to make critical decisions on a regular basis and pray that he can find ways to rest during this hectic time.
Thank you, in advance, for your prayers. "I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God!" May God bless you and yours today.